King Charles III honors woman who fought crocodile to save twin sister

In acknowledged of her “exemplary valor,” the United Kingdom government has announced that an Englishwoman who thwarted a crocodile from attacking her identical sister will receive a medal.

Georgia Laurie will be awarded the King’s Gallantry Medal by King Charles III, an award that recognizes civilians who have demonstrated fortitude.

Laurie and her twin sister Melissa Laurie were on an excursion in Mexico in June 2021 when a guide informed them that they could swim in a river without risk, according to a news release announcing Laurie’s award. The other members of the group were advised to swim for safety after Melissa Laurie discovered the crocodile while in the water. Melissa Laurie was “snatched” by the creature.

The news release states that Georgia returned to the water in response to her sister’s “cries for assistance.” Melissa was unconscious and lying facedown in the water, as observed by an additional member of the group. The crocodile resurfaced prior to their egress from the water, despite Georgia’s successful “resuscitation” of her sister.

Civilian Gallantry List
Melissa and Georgia Laurie, twins, are currently residing at their residence in Sandhurst, Berkshire.

Melissa was once again attacked by the crocodile, which resulted in her being carried away by the ankle. Georgia ensured that her sister’s head remained above the water while battling the crocodile and punching it in the snout. The crocodile was ultimately dissuaded, and Georgia successfully transported her sister to a “more secluded area” where she could begin the process of bandaging her wounds, according to the news release.

Georgia was caring for her sister when the crocodile reappeared and executed a maneuver referred to as a “death roll.”” This entails crocodiles seizing and spinning their prey in an effort to dismember and annihilate it. Georgia struck the crocodile once more. However, Georgia successfully safeguarded her sister and fought off the crocodile that bit her hand this time.

The sisters were able to board a canoe and flee after the crocodile departed. Georgia Laurie informed the BBC that she believed her sister had passed away, while Melissa stated that her sister endeavored to maintain her composure as they fled the area.

Melissa Laurie stated to the BBC, “I could feel myself losing contact with our bond while on the boat.” “I was saying, ‘Georgia, embrace me; I am dying.'” I stated… In an attempt to preserve our relationship, I bit her shoulder. In order to alleviate my anxiety, she reiterated the phrases “Stand By Me” and “Do Not Worry About A Thing.” “She possessed an extraordinary amount of fortitude.”

As per the news release, Melissa Laurie sustained “many injuries to her leg and foot,” grievous puncture wounds to the abdomen, and an open fracture of the wrist. The news announcement stated that she survived the attack “almost exclusively due to the remarkable bravery of her sister.”

Melissa Laurie was placed in a medically induced coma and contracted peritonitis while receiving treatment at the hospital, according to the BBC. She eventually made a full recovery.

Georgia Laurie stated to the BBC that she felt “extremely privileged” upon obtaining the King’s Gallantry Medal.

“Despite the conclusion of this horrific ordeal, there is a silver lining,” she stated to the BBC. “I feel quite honored.” I was taken aback when I received the letter proclaiming her award, as I had not anticipated it. The incredible quality of this narrative is attributed to Melissa’s unwavering determination. I would not be present without her; she provided me with the fortitude to persist in my endeavors.

The two sisters plan to swim the Thames Marathon in England in August. They aim to raise approximately $5,000 in support of two causes: one that is dedicated to the treatment of PTSD in the United Kingdom and the other that is dedicated to the provision of medical training and essential assistance to communities in Mexico.

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