Following her sister’s diagnosis, Taye Diggs intends to “alter the discourse” regarding schizophrenia

Following her sister’s diagnosis, Taye Diggs intends to “alter the discourse” regarding schizophrenia

Taye Diggs is disclosing information regarding schizophrenia, a mental health condition that has had an impact on his family. The actor, 53, disclosed for the first time that his younger sister, Christian, 48, was diagnosed with the condition in her twenties. “I was at a loss for what to do,” Diggs disclosed to CBS News … Read more

Stress may induce skin conditions. Dermatologists provide their recommendations

Stress may induce skin conditions. Dermatologists provide their recommendations

There are many ways mental health can impact our physical health, but did you know stress can even affect how our skin looks and feels? Dermatologists assert that it is accurate. Dermatologist Dr. Afton Cobb says she sees patients all the time who notice “the triggering factor that made their skin condition worse was stress in their lives.” … Read more

Ozempic and other diabetic medicines are too expensive for low-income people

Ozempic and other diabetic medicines are too expensive for low-income people

Tandra Cooper Harris and her husband, Marcus, who both have diabetes, have encountered difficulty in obtaining the prescriptions they require to regulate their blood sugar levels for the past year and a half. Cooper Harris experiences amnesia, becomes too fatigued to supervise her grandchildren, and encounters difficulties in earning additional income by braiding hair in … Read more

According to CDC estimates, COVID is “likely growing” in D.C. and 12 other states.

According to CDC estimates, COVID is “likely growing” in D.C. and 12 other states.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released estimates on Friday that suggest an increase in COVID-19 infections in at least 12 states and the District of Columbia. Health officials are monitoring for indications that the virus may be regaining momentum following a springtime hiatus. The CDC predicts that COVID-19 infections are increasing in the … Read more

HYPOCHLOROUS ACID: WHAT IS IT? Dermatologists explain the ingredient hyped as an acne hack

HYPOCHLOROUS ACID: WHAT IS IT? Dermatologists explain the ingredient hyped as an acne hack

Hypochlorous acid, a well-known skin care ingredient, is presently experiencing a surge in popularity on social media. Users are claiming that applying it to the face can alleviate acne and other skin issues. Nevertheless, this assertion is not supported by scientific evidence. Additional research is required to determine the precise effectiveness of hypochlorous acid in … Read more

Quran burned at 3rd small Sweden protest after warning of desecration ISLAMIC HOLY BOOK RISKS TERROR

Quran burned at 3rd small Sweden protest after warning of desecration ISLAMIC HOLY BOOK RISKS TERROR

Two demonstrators set fire to torn pages from a Quran outside the Swedish parliament in Stockholm on Monday. This marks the third incident of this nature in the past few weeks and the first since the Swedish prime minister issued a warning that demonstrations that involve the desecration of Islam’s sacred book were escalating Sweden’s … Read more